Mobile Devices and Self-Service E-commerce

Imagine that you have been hired by the start-up e-Commerce company Sports R US to provide a convenient
self-service solution for customers accessing sports products. The Web application would need to be available
on mobile devices (for example, smartphones, tablets, laptops, notebooks). The application also needs to work
on multiple Web browsers (that is, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and, others) to support selfservice tasks. Sports R US has asked you to provide a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) guide for the design
and implementation of this service.
Note: You may make all the necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.
This assignment must address the following topics:
Information Gathering.
Design Strategy.
Instructions —-
Write a 6 page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the following:
    A. Purpose and goals of a mobile self-service.
    B. Target segment (audience).
    C. The audience needs and wants.
    D. Resources necessary to achieve the desired outcome.
    E. Design of the website for mobile devicesInterfaces applicable to mobile devices.
  2. Design each of the following using Microsoft Visio or any open source wireframing or mockup tool. **
    Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
    A. The Sports R US home page for a mobile device.
    B. The self-service web page to review products and checkout using mobile devices.
  3. Recommend one prototype that could be created.
  4. Determine the type of evaluation method to use in a web design for the best user experience.
  5. Provide key details of how the mobile self-service will be implemented on various mobile devices

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