Money & Banking (Finance)

  1. Select 10 corporate stocks. Describe each company selected, its position in the industry, its recent performance, and your reason for selecting that company.
  2. Identify the 5 companies referred to as the “FAANG” in the stock market. Describe each “FAANG” company, its product category and its position in its respective industry and the market.
  3. Provide a description of each major market index (DJIA, S & P 500, NASDAQ).
  4. Monitor the stocks of your 10 companies, the FAANG, and the 3 major indices for a period of 10 business days and record the daily stock prices and the daily values of the 3 major indices (DJIA, S&P 500 and
    NASDAQ on a spreadsheet.
  5. Compute and record the average 10-day price for each stock (the 10 companies and the FAANG) and each major index.
  6. Compute and record the daily Rate of Return for each stock and each major index.
    RET = (Day2 – Day1) / Day1
  7. Compute the average daily return (Ave. RET) for each stock (15 in total) and the 3 indices.
  8. Compute the average daily return of your 10 stock portfolio.
  9. Compute the average daily return of the FAANG (separate from the major indices).
  10. Compute the average daily return of the 3 major market indices).
  11. Rank the stocks, the FAANG and the 3 major indices based on their Rate of Return.
  12. Describe/explain your findings and the performance of your portfolio compared to the FAANG and the 3
    major indices.

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