Allude to issues of compassion and social justice within a historical and socio-cultural context.
The story of Ruby Brdiges and experiences have impications for social justice in global democracies. How would you as an educator use this story in your classroom to show Ruby as the book’s protagonist, a real person with Christian values, who made a difference in the lives of others beyond the school walls.
In 1960, a judge ordered four black girls to go to two white schools. …
Six-year-old Ruby Bridges was sent to first grade in the William Frantz Elementary School. …
Ruby’s parents were proud that their daughter had been chosen to take part in an important event in American history.
They went to church. …
When school was over for the day, Ruby hurried through the mob as usual. After she walked for a few blocks and the crowd was behind her, Ruby said the prayer she repeated twice a day – before and after school: