Moral Relativism (MR) provide a plausible theory of right conduct

Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) about one of the three topics below.

Topic 1. Does Moral Relativism (MR) provide a plausible theory of right conduct?

Option 1: If you think that it does, then (i) spell out the strongest objection to the view and (ii) spell out your response to this objection.

Option 2: If you think that it does not, then (i) spell out your objection to this view (ii) spell out how your opponent will argue against your objection (iii) spell out a response to your opponent’s argument.

Topic 2: Does Utilitarianism provide a plausible theory of right conduct?

Option 1: If you think that it does, then (i) spell out the strongest objection that opponents of Utilitarianism can make and (ii) provide an argument that shows why this objection fails.

Option 2: If you think that it does not, then (i) spell out your objection to Utilitarianism, (ii) spell out the strongest response that proponents of Utilitarianism can make to your objection, and (iii) spell out a reply to this response.

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