Motor Skill Practice Design

Design a “practice” for a Motor Skill you know well. Select a skill that has both Open-Loop and Closed-Loop controlled processes. Select a typical learner you could teach the Motor Skill to, and design a practice which would best promote skill acquisition, incorporating the base concepts examined in this course. Include a “Test” Session as part of the practice design. After describing the basic practice design in the provided table below, answer all of the design rationale questions. Each question will be graded on the provided 4-point rubric.

NAME OF SKILL: Basketball Dribbling


Describe in detail the Motor Skill you are teaching. Describe ALL relevant characteristics of the learner you will be teaching to: (-4 points for not completing)

1.) What would a Generalized Motor Program for performing the skill consist of?
• The GMP for basketball dribbling is flexion and extension of the wrist, repeatedly with control to keep the basketball under the hand. Dribbling slowly helps the learner memorize the moment of bouncing the ball up and down with control. Once the main technique to dribble has been memorized a learner can advance to dribbling the ball; while walking, medial, lateral, posterior, and between the legs.
2.) Is your skill Open or Closed? Discrete, Continuous, or Serial? Explain your rationale.
• Dribbling a ball during basketball practice could be classified as a closed skill because it is being performed in a relatively stable environment. However, when the same skill is performed during a competitive basketball game, the performer is faced with numerous opponents creating an unpredictable, unfamiliar and unstable environment. This same skill of dribbling a ball is now classified as an open skill. This is also a serial discrete skill because it is easily defined of having a beginning and end with bouncing the ball down then it coming back up performing a repetitive discrete skill, creating one larger activity. Separate skills of learning to flex and extend the hand, positioning the hand to always be over the ball for control, as well as position or movement time of the feet.

3.) What aspects of the skill are processed in Closed-Loop Control? Identify the components, and explain your rationale.
• The aspects of the skill that are closed loop is dribbling the ball in an indoor environment. An indoor environment being a place that is considered stable and few outdoor distractions that can impact the performer from completing the task at their fullest potential.
4.) What aspects of the skill are processed in Open-Loop Control? Identify the components, and explain your rationale.

5.) What are two prior Abilities and two Skills which would aid in acquiring and performing your skill? Explain your rationale.

6.) What are 5 sources of stimuli available to the learner at the time of skill performance? Of those 5, which are helpful to the learner, and which are unhelpful? Explain your rationale.

7.) What are 3 factors that influence Reaction Time which will be a major focus of your practice design? Explain your rationale.

8.) Describe two types of stimuli which a learner might have difficulty processing in parallel. How does your practice design help to improve Parallel Processing? Explain your rationale.

9.) What is the appropriate Focus of Attention (Internal or External) for your learner, given the type of skill, and the learner’s ability level? Describe how your instructions reinforce either an Internal or External Focus of Attention, and why you think that Focus of Attention is most appropriate.

10.) What is the optimal Arousal Level for your learner, given the type of skill, and the learner’s ability level? Describe how your instructions reinforce that optimal Arousal Level, and why you think that Arousal Level is most appropriate.

11.) What are 3 Exteroceptive and 3 Proprioceptive Sources of Sensory Information available to the learner in performing the skill?

12.) How can you incorporate the Quiet Eye Effect into your practice design? Explain your rationale.

13.) Apply Fitts’ Law to your skill. Does the Skill involve Speed, Accuracy, or both? How does your practice design improve the Speed and/or Accuracy of the skill?

14.) How does your practice design incorporate a Retention Test? Given the design of the retention test, how will you know that learning has occurred? Explain your rationale.

15.) How does your practice facilitate improvement for each of the 5 Benefits of Practice (Chapter 9)? Explain your rationale.

16.) Describe how your learner will progress through each of Fitts’ AND Bernstein’s Stages of Learning (Chapter 9).

17.) Is Part Practice, Whole Practice, or Progressive Part Practice more appropriate for your chosen skill and learner? Explain your rationale.

18.) How can you incorporate Deci & Ryan’s motivational components into your practice design? Explain your rationale.

19.) How can you incorporate an effective Goal Setting program into your practice design? Explain your rationale.

20.) Describe your Augmented Feedback Plan you will provide to your learner during various practice sessions. What type of feedback will you utilize most? When will you give feedback? Explain your rationale.

21.) How can you incorporate Self-Regulation of Practice into your practice design? Explain your rationale.

22.) How can you incorporate Modeling or Demonstrations into your practice design? Explain your rationale.

23.) How can you incorporate Mental Practice into your practice design? Explain your rationale.

24.) How can you incorporate Blank Trials into your practice design? Explain your rationale.

25.) What type of Practice is most appropriate for this skill: Constant or Variable? Blocked or Random? Explain your rationale.

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