Multi-National Corporation (MNC)


Do a deep dive analysis on a large well known Multi-National Corporation (MNC) headquartered overseas “Toyota”.
Introduce your MNC. Provide some sound financial indicators from company annual reports or use secondary sources to provide some financial background (yearly revenues, profits, dividends, etc).
Complete an assessment of the political system and economic system of both the home and host country of your MNC. Compare and contrast how your MNC operates in the home and a host (pick one) country. Indicate also, where your countries rank with HDI (Human Development Index), Freedom Index, Doing Business Index, and other indexes you deem appropriate.
Compare and contrast the legal systems of the MNC’s country of origin (home) and host country. Variables to consider include corruption, intellectual property, and product safety & liability, and ethics.
Complete an assessment of values, culture, and norms. How does this influence the culture and operations of one of the countries your MNC operates in? Use the Hofstede Cultural Dimensions to showcase the comparisons of the host and home countries, available at: .
What advantage and disadvantages does this country provide to the MNC? How does your MNC market their product or service differently comparatively due to these issues?
Conduct an analysis on the conditions of trade. Indicate opportunities and challenges that affect your MNC; including any current policies or agreements that have been recently passed. Here you could examine the regional trade agreements of the host/home countries. Do they have Free Trade Agreements? Please make sure your data you provide here is current.
Examine your MNC’s international strategy. Which of the four international business strategies does your MNC use in the host country? How have they approached globalization, expansion, challenges, and opportunities? Provide an example of how your MNC has entered the host country market (by using one of the six entry modes).
Examine your MNC’s outsourcing issues. Does your MNC outsource work? Address immigration policy in your MNC home country and host country. What does this immigration policy and outsourcing policy tell you about your MNC?
Lessons Learned, Coming Clean Journal
Students will journal freely on their final course project. What did you learn that particularly interested you? What were some of your biggest lessons learned regarding your MNC? On the course in general? How have your thoughts of globalization changed now that you have completed this class? How have your thoughts changed after taking this class? Students are encouraged to reflect their thoughts honestly and provide your opinions here.
Use of Style, Multi-Media, APA & References, and Artifacts 30 Each student will create an artifact that appropriately meets the criteria of the project. Students are encouraged to weave current multimedia and technology in their projects. Examples may include appropriate usage of video clips, PowerPoint with audio, written documentation, Prezi, animation, film, music, data, charts, graphs and photography.


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