Multilingual, Bicultural Challenges

Multilingual, Bicultural Challenges: A Slippery Slope Barriers to Care Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting.
From the Internet, read the following:
Cohn, D. (207, May )71 The growing global chronic disease epidemic. Retrieved from: owingGlobalChronicDiseaseEpidemic.aspx Georgetown University Health Policy Institute. (204). Culture al competence in health care: Is it important for people with chronic conditions? Retrieved from Putsch, R., & Joyce, M. (n.d.). Dealing with Patients from Other Cultures: Methodology in Cross-cultural Care. ,92 150–1065 Retrieved from Roush, S. (201). Chapter 9:1 Enhancing surveillance. In VPD surveillance manual (5th ed.). Retrieved from v.pdf This week, we discussed the growing social diversity in the United States and the resultant barriers to care. Use the information presented in the readings and identify three of the most pressing issues, which, if addressed, might have the greatest impact on healthcare delivery. In your approach, you can elect to identify an issue specific to a local hospital catchment area. Taking this approach, including the regional demographics, the problem, the issues of diversity differences within the healthcare workforce, and your approach to an effective solution. In your narrative, also discuss whether the efforts would be effective in addressing the problem and improving the health outcomes.

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