Multimedia curation that collects several ads/clips


What needs to be delivered?

  • You will create a multimedia curation that collects several ads/clips (6-10) from ONE current (within the past three years) advertising campaign.
    Remember, a campaign contains several moving parts. For example, there may be a TV spot, several print ads, a few videos, an installation at a particular location, or even a direct mail piece. Campaigns are NOT singular in nature (most of the time), they are comprised of several elements – so you are encouraged to select ads from across different formats (print, TV, digital, in-person, etc.).
  • Your curation should include commentary for each component of the campaign of your choosing that analyzes the campaign, using concepts and themes covered throughout the course. In your analysis, do not be shy about expressing your opinions, but support your opinion.
  • Your commentary must be 1500-2500 words total – across all the components of the campaign. Not 1500-2500 words for each component. Think of it as a 1500-2500 word paper with images

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