Multiple categories of poor health outcomes are related to discrimination

Multiple categories of poor health outcomes are related to discrimination (blood pressure, substance abuse, birth outcome, or chronic health problems).
Respond to one of the following questions:
*In the text, multiple categories of poor health outcomes are related to discrimination (blood pressure, substance abuse, birth outcome, or chronic health problems). The citations in the text are dated and more recent evidence can better inform our decisions.

*Summarize the high points of the study

*Provide your classmates with 1–2 sentence recommendation from the study findings

*Please use proper grammar, spelling, organization, length, citations, content of the knowledge, reasoning, and APA citation and referencing

*Support your argument with research, not opinion alone

*275 words

*APA Format

*2 references – one book source, and one outside source

*Please use this cite as one of the reference:
Hall, G.C.N. (2010). Multicultural psychology (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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