changed my life. They transported me to other realities on Earth and out of this planet, It helped me develop
understanding, empathy,
Parallels and most (most?) importantly STYLE.
As consumers of visual culture, we don’t question what we digest. Especially in the digital era, information is a free for all.
The lines between reality,
“Truth”, representation and realism – are blurred for the audience. This assignment is a means to slow down, and readjust
our perspective.
You are asked to choose a music video, more specifically, something in the hip-hop genre. Once you have picked a video, I
want you to dissect it.
Based on the concepts of Race, Space, Place, Which one is tackled in the video and how? How did you come to this
conclusion and understanding?
What are the visual codes represented, are they positive or negative? How does the artist tackle them? In some instances, its
overt, in others its subtle. In some cases, the artist may not even be aware of this.
Take Screenshots to explain your point.