Muslim Women from Iran and the History of their Hijab

  1. Do laws require Iraqi women to wear the hijab, or is it merely a rule of their culture? 2. Which religious cultures require the use of the hijab? 3. What are the rules surrounding American women wearing the hijab while traveling to countries that require women to wear one? As far as the generalization, don’t worry, this can quickly be resolved. Generalization just means you should add details to back up your points. 1. Maybe find some articles talking about Muslims being oppressed in the US and add that info to your work. 2. Give more details about 9-11 and find statements that show how US opinions of Muslims were affected because of the attacks. 3. “We see them as different, outsiders and a threat” isn’t a bad concept, I think it just needs to be stronger, something like “In the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks, Americans looked upon Muslims as foreigners with strange, threatening customs”. 4. Again, try looking for some firsthand accounts to back up your point. Look for examples of discrimination against women in hijabs in the U.S. 5. I think you have a good idea here, but you don’t actually need to say “I feel” because the whole point is to present your opinion like it’s fact (otherwise the reader will not take it as seriously). Maybe you could try “Since most Americans do not partake in any kind of facial coverings, the tradition of the hijab is widely misunderstood, often dismissed as a strange or even silly requirement.”

Apply for this ordDirections:
Pick one current, peer-reviewed research article (within the last ten years) regarding some topic in Abnormal Psych. Make sure this is original research; not a meta-analysis or a review of some research. Generally speaking, you can know that it is acceptable by looking for a methods section. Review the article and write a 1000-1500 word report (double-spaced, normal sized font). Include a word count at the end of the paper.
Use APA style for your citations, title page, running head and reference page (no abstract necessary for this assignment). Be sure that all parts of the assignment are contained in one file.
Answer the following questions:
What did the article study? What was the hypothesis? How was the hypothesis tested? What were the results? How can these results be generalized and used in the field of abnormal psych? (There is no need to get into technical statistical jargon here; just summarize it). What criticisms do you have about the way the study was conducted? Would you have done anything differently? If so, what and how? Why? What did you find most interesting about this study? What did you dislike about this study?
Be sure to summarize the results and implications of the study. If you do not understand some part of it, work on summarizing the areas you DO understand. At the least, aim to understand the abstract, results and discussion. Write as if to an educated audience; assume the recipient knows the basics of Abnormal Psych (symptoms, diagnosis, etc.) Use language that is technical/ professional (ie., avoid slang terms like “crazy” or “mental breakdown” or “loony bin”).
Go to “research databases.” You can search using PsycARTICLES or PsycINFO. Look around at the articles until you find one that pertains to Abnormal Psych and catches your interest. You may find it difficult to understand; that’s okay. Just work with the parts you DO understand.

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