My Favorite Things played by John Coltrane

Listening attentively to My Favorite Things played by John Coltrane, soprano saxophone (ss); McCoy Tyner, piano (p); Steve Davis, bass (b); and Elvin Jones, drums (d); and address the following questions:
Also, please remember to number your answers to correspond to each question

  1. listen carefully to the bass in the recording. You might even turn up the bass on your graphic equalizer or turn the tone nob down, and/or turn on a “bass boost” to help you hear it better. Does the bass play a “walking bass line?” If not, describe what the bass is playing. This type of bass playing is VERY characteristic of this over all style of jazz. What term does the text give for this type of bass part?
  2. This recording is a classic example of what historical jazz style?
  3. Piano plays an intro from 00:00 to 00:09, and then continues with a “vamp” from 00:09. At what counter number does Coltrane first start the melody on the soprano saxophone? How would you describe what the piano, bass and drums are playing during this statement of the melody? What are the piano, bass and drums playing from 00:35 to 00:44? What happens at 00:44?
  4. At 1:01 there is a change of “MODE” to a different type of scale (or chord.) Would you describe it sounding a little “happier” or a little “sadder” at this point? Can you identify what the change of mode (or chord quality) is that makes this difference?
  5. At 2:18 the saxophone stops playing and the piano is in the foreground. Does it sound like an improvised piano solo here? If not, what is the pianist, McCoy Tyner playing?
  6. 3:42 is the beginning of an improvised piano solo. Describe this solo (style, sound, phrasing, qualities, your own impressions.) Does this solo seem to include many style characteristics of Be-bop or Swing? If not, what jazz style does this best represent? The solo continues to 6:30, what happens at 6:30 and then at 6:46?

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