Neighbor troubles

The following post has three assignments namely;

1.Neighbor troubles

Drawing on your textbook’s account of the Song Dynasty’s troubles and the eventual founding
of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, what advice do you think an advisor to the court would give about
dealing with other claims to legitimacy of rule? Would you recommend enduring the humiliation
of treaties with other sinified “dynasties,” or would you recommend fighting to keep all territory
under “Chinese” rule no matter the cost?

2.Impact against Hispanics or African-Americans in the hiring of CSRs.

1. Based on the information provided, determine if there is any adverse impact against Hispanics or African-Americans in the hiring of CSRs. Assuming an Hispanic and an African-American
applicant who were not hired for the job filed a lawsuit against the newspaper, what advice would you give the newspaper?
2. Based on the data, determine which source of recruitment method is most effective? Least effective? Why?
3. If your objective is to reduce the employee turnover of CSRs, what specific actions would you take to reduce the turnover? Explain.
4. Evaluate to what extent the recruitment ad correctly captures the job contents. Re-write the ad to correctly explain the job contents.

3.Dropping Small Group Insurance Products

Read Case Study 3 from Multi-Sector Casebook in Health Administration, Leadership, and Management, and respond to the following:

1. Summary of the major facts – Summarize the facts in narrative or outline form. Include the most important and pertinent incidents in the situation. (Do not simply restate the entire case.
2. Problem(s) – The facts of the case reveal one or more problems that require attention. Indicate at least three (4) problems affecting GreenHealth and explain their importance.
3. Alternative Solutions and Probable Outcomes – Analyze optional courses of action. This is one of the most important parts of the analysis. Remember that a decision not to act or to do nothing is
always an alternative. However, doing nothing also has repercussions – sometimes worse repercussions than any other action. Identify three alternatives you would present to the senior leadership
4. Recommended Solution – Recommend 1 solution per problem (4) recommendations total). Each recommendation should include a justification for the action, how the action would be implemented, and
the probable outcome. While some of this information has been included in previous sections, it is still important to present the recommendation in its final form and to justify its selection.

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