Network Design


Earlier, you identified network requirements based on the specific needs of your clients. Much of your network’s effectiveness will depend on how you incorporate those requirements and address those client needs in your network design.

review the article “Network Topology Icons” from this week’s resources Then, create a diagram depicting your network design. Your diagram must include all network hardware and media. These include connected devices, peripherals, routers/switches/hubs, firewalls or other security measures, modems, and the Internet (may just be shown as a single cloud entity). Both wired and wireless connections should be indicated. The network icons available from Cisco should be used. Be sure that each icon is also labeled.

Note: You may develop your diagram in Visio, PowerPoint, or any other software that supports diagramming. When complete, you need to export it to an image/picture file type such as jpg, gif, or png.

submit the diagram of your network design. Then, provide an explanation of how your design meets the requirements you identified.

Design Requirements List
All networks, notwithstanding their size, have comparable foundational prerequisites. Suffices to say it is crucial for organizations and individuals to undertake network configuration programs recognizing present and future business necessities to guarantee they design the true innovation as their business develops. A standout amongst the most basic decisions for most individuals is choosing if their business ought to merge voice benefits over a data network to limit the network cost. However, when these kinds of issues feature and a transparent discussion about the necessities are held right from the commencement of the project, individuals and cooperates stand to gain from both financial and technical planning. This paper explores the network design requirements list significantly for placement at Fixin Folks, wellness, physical therapy and chiropractic facility. The paper discovers a well-laid network system is crucial for the fitness firm as it supports appointment scheduling, patient data storage, and finical recording among other tasks undertaken in the premise.
Design Requirements List
1. First on the list is discovering the firm’s prerequisites for execution, limit and system ports. This can be achieved by meeting colleagues from every workstation of the firm to comprehend their usage and potential development necessities. LAN usually supports a single area, similar to an office or large building, using switches that give ports to interface servers, stockpiling equipment, PCs, telephones, and printers to the system. The LAN comprises cables, routers, and switches that facilitate connection to the Internet.
2. Number two on the list will be planning and outline the cabling network. Cabling will have a crucial impact on the network design at the firm as it will provide the physical correspondence path. It is advisable at this stage to seek advice from a cable design professional experienced in assembling to limit the potential for hardware impedance. This guarantees genuine feelings of serenity that all cables have been done correctly and fire code details included.
3. Next to that will be drafting a list to capture subtle critical elements required for the network design. Information gathered must have the number of network users per area and their roles. Also to be included are the speeds for individual LAN ports and node types such as printers or photocopy machines connected to the network. Other system necessities incorporate programmable rationale controllers for mechanical technology or other mechanized frameworks requiring system network.
4. Running down a network analysis performance in the installed state is next. This can be achieved by using network management software and protocol analyzers. It is essential to run the analysis on a typical working day as it will give the best results since it is easier to strain the network and test its functionality. This analysis provides LAN and WAN connectivity performance information.
5. Create a portfolio of the firm’s current physical and comprehendible network diagrams to use as a reference. Distinguish LAN uplink transfer speed, switches, routers, power and cooling data, and current models for the fiber and the copper link plant. For the understandable network outline, acquire current data for the IP address plan for the LAN including virtual LAN data and network necessities, if more than a one-floor building is available. Archive conventions utilized as a part of the system, including steering conventions used for availability between structures.
6. Net will be deciding the quantity of LAN switch ports currently required and anticipated throughout the following two years for every area. Although this is a small firm, the building may incorporate at least one media transmission storage room. The media transmission rooms provide copper organize links to every employee’s work area if the separation from the PC room surpasses link limits. The storage room likewise fills in as the establishment area for LAN get to layer switches that give the association ports to remote passages, PCs, printers and other system equipment your organization may utilize. The entrance layer changes will associate with the PC room switches using multi-mode fiber optics.
7. Next will be choosing access layer switches given the firm’s anticipated development necessities. This approach guarantees that system equipment addresses the issues of the organization and backings the expansion of new highlights without obstructing execution. Plan enough strands of fiber between the entrance layer and the PC room switches for development and also guaranteeing that the fiber uplinks and switch ports will bolster data transfer capacity prerequisites.
8. Next will be selecting switches and routers, presenting models for each layer of the system. For the entrance layer, consider institutionalizing on a body based switch for regions of the building where you have to help future extension and included ports or highlights. Utilize littler switches in the different areas.
9. Next will be selecting PC room switches. Assess double changes intended to help fiber associations from each entrance layer media transmission storage room. Plan the port thickness and rates to support the servers in a joined dispersion and center layer. A double switch design in the PC room gives excess and adaptability when you utilize skeleton based switches. As a substitute approach, consider a single endeavor class change to lessen the cost and bolster future movement to a double switch plan. Show the two alternatives to the administration group, distinguishing the advantages, dangers, and expenses of every choice.
10. Finally, create an IP address plan that meets development necessities and chooses a directing convention for the system to help quick union effortlessly of administration. When making WAN transport determinations to associate structures, consider the adaptability of the administration that will bolster data transmission changes to meet future prerequisites.

Kottomtharayil, R., Gokhale, P., Prahlad, A., Vijayan, M. K., Ngo, D., & Devassy, V. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 9,021,213. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Singh, P., Mishra, M., & Barwal, P. N. (2014, February). Analysis of security issues and their solutions in wireless LAN. In Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES), 2014 International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Tartakovsky, A. G., Polunchenko, A. S., & Sokolov, G. (2013). Efficient computer network anomaly detection by changepoint detection methods. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 7(1), 4-11.

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