New York Times v. United States (1971)- can government prevent the publication of materials


Describe the impact of the case on future generations of society.

This project will consist of an essay, a creative element, a technology component and a free choice optional dealing with one particularly landmark Supreme Can case. There are 20 cases to choose from (listed at the bottom of this document) You must select one from the list and no more than two students from each class may research the same case.
Descriptive Essay
Fennel THREE PAGES minimum. Each section would have a new heading. Don’t forget an introduction
Summary of case (Who was involved? What happened? Where cad this happen? When dot this happen? Why did this happen? Tell the story.)
History of how the case moved through the court system. From trial courts to the Supreme Court describe hoar the case was escalated. Which party appealed the nano each levet? (Do not lust copy and paste information. That Is plagiarism.)
What were the results? How dd the Supreme Court rule? Who wrote the ma arty opinion? What did it say? Who wrote the trssenting opinion? What did it say? (II using direct quotes. you must cute demi!)
Describe the consttubonal ponciplerponciples andloc amendments that your particular case deals with and what was done to violate them. segregation based on race violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. etc.)

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