News clippings

Respond to one of the following three “news clippings” related to virtue ethics from your Pozgar text.

Write a 1-
2 page essay addressing the discussion questions posed for the one you selected. Be sure to clearly

the news clipping you selected.
Assignment Discussion Questions

  1. Discuss the issues of integrity in this case.
  2. Should criminal charges be considered in this case, if accurately reported? Discuss your answer.
  3. Why did you choose to respond to this story?
  4. How is integrity displayed in your clinical setting?
    this is the link to my log in:
    username: kmarindo
    pass: Student123
    click on nurs 521 Ethics in healthcare
    click on week 1
    click on assignments
    scroll down to week 1 virtue ethics essay
    watch #1. Wrong-Operation Doctor and answer the questions into an essay.

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