Nike inc EVALUATE Converse


Analysis (1-2 pages)
Give a short list of the key assumptions you make in your analysis, the logic of your argument leading to your conclusion and the proposed solution. Assumptions should be justified if possible, and the sensitivity of your recommendation to your assumptions should be assessed. Note that key assumptions are not numerical estimates — defer numerical estimation assumptions to the tables.
Avoid generalities in your analysis. Be as specific as possible. Express your ideas clearly, supporting them adequately with evidence, explanation, and references to appropriate exhibits. The strengths and weaknesses of alternative courses of action should be developed. The analysis should build to support your recommendation. Reasons for accepting or rejecting alternatives should be stated and, if necessary, defended.
State your recommendation clearly and in detail sufficient to guide implementation. Make specific recommendations and while your recommendations will rest on assumptions, your job as a consultant to the decision-maker is not to give a list of contingent recommendations. Discuss both the positive and negative results of following your recommendation. Explain why your recommendation should be followed. Make sure that the recommendation follows logically from your analysis.

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