Noor Majan

Hand in one copy of your assignment by the time and date mentioned above to the appropriate ‘hand-in location’ at the Gulf College. Fill in the front cover (staple together with your assignment). MAKE SURE that you fill In all the relevant details on this form. An acknowledgement will be given to you upon receiving your assignment. This is your receipt, keep it. You can submit work by post, but you must send it recorded delivery, it must be postmarked two days before the deadline date and a copy must be kept by you in case it is lost in the post. Faxed assignments will not be accepted. Assignments must be submitted by the due date. The only circumstance in which assignments can be submitted late is if an extenuating circumstances form is submitted at the same time. In these circumstances work may be submitted up to 5 days only. If the extenuating circumstances are upheld, the assignment will be graded; otherwise a 0 will be awarded.
Maximum Word Length: Maximum Word Length: 2500 words
State the number of words used at the end of your assignment. You may include diagrams, figures etc. without word penalty. A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the amount by which the limit has been exceeded.
1-10% excess no penalty 11-20% excess 10% reduction in the mark 21-30% excess 20% reduction in the mark 31%+ excess the work will be capped at a pass i.e. 40%
NB. None of the above penalties will be used to change a student mark which is above the pass mark, to one that is below the pass mark. Therefore the maximum penalty for exceeding the word limit will be a reduction to a pass grade.

Assessment Criteria
To achieve a ‘Pass’ grade of 40% or above In order to achieve a pass grade, the student will have demonstrated an understanding of the concepts and principles of business tourism. The work produced must apply appropriate business tourism planning and events in order to address the areas specified
in the assignment. There should be also a clear evidence of research and reading, with reference to appropriate sources.
To achieve a grade of 70% or above
In order to achieve a grade of 70% or above, as wet as satisfying all of the outlined criteria for a ‘pass’, the student must demonstrate a deleted understanding and application of the concepts and principles reteted to business tourism. The submission will be well organised and contain as relevant data. It wit show evidence of appropriate investigation including research from a range of academic literature and other secondary sources of information. Detailed answers will be given to each of the questions with appendices where appropriate. more will be an evidence of wider reading through appropriate supporting references.
This assignment will assess learning outcomes: 1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of modern developments within business management (Knowledge & Understanding); 2. Justify the recommendation of alternative approaches to management (Knowledge & Understanding); 3. Demonstrate knowledge and application of international standards relating to sustainability. values & norms, and business ethics within a global context. (Application).
The Task
Choose a business company in the Sultanate of Oman and evaluate how the company manage and apply their Corporate’s Sustairability and Corporate Social Responsibility to answer the folkreeing tasks:
1. Discuss comprehensively Elkington’s (1999) Triple Bottomllne of Sustainatutty. Critically evaluate the sustainatairly of the chosen company in terms of economic, social and environmental perspectives in relation to its stakeholders like shareholders. employees, customers, suppliers, government and the general public. Give relevant examples to substantiate the discussion.
2. Explain the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility according to Carole (1991). Critically assess the Corporate Social Responsibility of the chosen
company applying the four part model of CSR according to Caroll. The four part model of CSR are as follow:
2.1 Philanthropic responsibilities 2.2 Ethical responsibilities 2.3 Legal responsibilities 2.4 Economic responsibilities
You are required to give examples or scenarios which are being used by the company to support the discussion.

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