
Step 1: Select any country(state) you would like to learn more about. 0/25 will be awarded should you select a
MDC to analyze, or a U.S. state
Step 2: Read and take notes about your selected country (state) on the CIA’s website, paying special attention
to the Introduction, Economics, Government and Geography sections.
Step3: Use exclusively unbiased sources including, but not limited to the following to research. Gather any and
all related data pertaining to your country. Please focus on data from 2017 or newer. Sources must be cited in
MLA format. After you gather all data, begin assessing which truly defines your state as an LDC. (Rankings will
help with this) Use the worksheet on the next page to help you organize if desired. (Worksheet will not be
turned in)
CIA The World Factbook:
UN Development Programme:
UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Doctors Without Borders:
World Bank:
Step 4: Typed Analysis
Times New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced (default for Google Drive is not single-spaced FYI), 3 pages
Name, course name, course number, instructor name, date in the upper right (single-spaced)
3-4 related photographs and one map regarding the topic. Photos should be embedded and text wrapped
“tight” into write-up to minimize the amount of space it takes up in your doc. Place each photo/map in your
analysis where you will discuss the image. 3 points
10 related vocabulary terms will be included into your analysis where applicable. Terms should be bolded and
underlined. Credit will not be awarded to terms incorrectly or inappropriately integrated or terms used as
prompts in this assignment. 5 points
Organized analysis according to headings , see below
Introduction: In your own words, provide an overview of your selected country (state) including basic
encyclopedic information AND site, situation, type of region, absolute location and relative location. 3 points
List: List the indicators (minimum 10 total) you identified which were particularly telling for your chosen state
particularly. Divide your list into two columns, “Economic Indicators” and “Social Indicators.” Star all indicators
that were most critical. With each indicator, provide the corresponding statistic and ranking. 2 points
Summary: Summarize your findings as to why your state is an LDC. Describe which statistics make your state
an LDC and explain what about each statistic indicates this as a LDC. What other indicators would you like to
have access to paint a better picture of development that you did not have access to. Explain why they would
have been helpful. 7 points

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