Nursing Advocacy

1. List 3 non-medical problems Katy Adams is experiencing and corresponding ways you could assist her. State 3 of the non-medical issues Katy is experiencing and how you might assist her with those issues. Note: Do not use access to the clinical trial as one of the non-medical needs. Also, counseling and therapy are medical, so do not include in your list. Do not use the denial of Provigil as a non-medical issue. You may want to include more than 3 issues. 15 points: 1point for the problem and 4 points for the corresponding assistance. 2. Submit a letter of advocacy on behalf of the patient in the case study to her insurance company on the denial of medication. 20 points Please do NOT address the clinical trial- this is not an aspect of the assignment The grading criteria for the letter to the insurance company is as follows: 8 points- application of course content to the question posed in the case study 8 points- persuasive writing 4 points- mechanics of writing, grammar, spelling

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