Nursing career;Career Project

Select a career and begin to research the path that will lead to a successful placement in this area.
Paper Requirements
• 750-1000 words
• MLA or APA style Minimum Content Requirements for Research Paper:
A minimum of three sources, which must include one primary source and two secondary sources.
Primary Source- Choose one form of primary source research. This may be: a. Job shadow an individual in his/her selected career
b. Conduct a personal interview with an individual in a selected career source
c. Read a biography or autobiography of an individual in the selected career
Secondary Source – Choose two of the three secondary sources.
 BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook
 Book or peer-reviewed journal article
 Web resources can be included, such as
Part I. Career Research – Your research will produce answers to the following questions:
• What does one need to know and be able to do for this career? • What type of post-secondary education is needed?
• Are there any additional certifications needed for this career?
• What is the expected salary for this career?
• What daily/hourly hours would one work?
• What type of work does one do in this career? Are you required to work with your hands in a physical sense or is it more with your mind?
• Are there opportunities for advancement in this career?

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