Nutrient Reports

1) How many foods were processed? A process food is packaged by a manufacturer, for example cracker, cereal, chips, rice mixes, soups frozen dinners, etc. Processed foods have a Nutrition Facts label.
Day Number of Processed Foods
Total (Add up the 3 days)

2) How many foods did you prepare and/or cook? Examples of these types of foods are homemade lasagna, plain cooked pork chops, and cooked vegetables.
Day Number of Prepared Foods
Total (Add up the 3 days)

3) How many foods were not prepared or processed? Examples of these types of foods would be milk, orange, banana, raw vegetables, salad (dressing would be processed), etc.
Day Number of Unprocessed Foods
Total (Add up the 3 days)

4) How many foods were prepared by somebody else, for example at a restaurant?
Day Number of Food Prepared by Someone Else
Total (Add up the 3 days)

5) What percent of the foods you ate were processed, prepared by you or someone else, or unprocessed/unprepared?

+ + + =
Total Processed Foods Total Prepared Foods Total Foods Prepared by Someone Else Total Unprocessed/Unprepared Foods Add these 4 together for Total Foods

a) Percent Processed Foods:
Total Processed Foods * 100= %
Total Foods

b) Percent Prepared Foods:
Total Prepared Foods * 100= %
Total Foods

c) Percent Foods Prepared by Someone Else:
Total Foods Prepared by Someone Else * 100= %
Total Foods

d) Percent Unprocessed/Unprepared Foods:
Total Unprocessed/Unprepared Foods * 100= %
Total Foods

e) Summary:
Write a short review of what you have learned about your diet in Part I. It must be at least 200 words long.

Part II. Reading Food Labels.
1) Select one processed foods from your Assignment 1 food record that contains more than five ingredients. If you did not eat a processed food with more than five ingredients, select one that was not on your food record. Fill in the Nutrition Facts Label below for that product.
Name of Food item: _______________________________________
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size:
Servings per Container:
Amount per Serving:
Amount % Daily Value
Total Fat (g)
Saturated Fat (g)
Trans Fat (g)
Cholesterol (mg)
Sodium (mg)
Total Carbohydrate (g)
Dietary Fiber (g)
Sugars (g)
Protein (g)
Vitamin A

2) List the ingredients.

3) Which ingredients are food additives? What is their function? (If you need more lines, then hit the tab button on at the end of the last line.)
Here are several resources that may help you figure out the function:

Food Additives Function

4) Does your product make any nutrient claims? If so, which one? You can use this source to help you or your textbook. The file is also available under Resources, Week 4.

5) Summarize what you have learned. It must be at least 200 words long.

Part III. Carbohydrate and Lipid Content of Your Diet
1) Carbohydrate Content

What type of carbohydrate did you eat? In the table below, list the foods you ate from your diet analysis in Assignment 1, then to identify the kind of carbohydrate each food contains. Remember, there are simple and complex carbohydrates present in your diet. Use your textbook for guidance on the types of sweetener present in the foods you ate and to help you to determine the kind of carbohydrate, for example, glucose, fructose, etc. A food item may contain more than one type of carbohydrate. This website can provide some guidance too:
(If you need more lines, then hit the tab button on your computer keyboard at the end of the table’s last line.)
Food Item Type of Carbohydrate

2) Lipid Content

What type of lipid did you eat? In the table below, list the foods you ate from your diet analysis in Assignment 1, then identify the type of lipid each food contains. Use your textbook to help guide you. A particular food may include more than one kind of fat. (If you need more lines, then hit the tab button on your computer keyboard at the end of the table’s last line.)
Food Item Type of Lipid

3) Summarize what you learned below in Part III. It must be 200 words long.

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