Nutrition Analysis

unt to print out the results. I use, or My fitness pal is also good, and that one allows you to scan bar codes of what you have eaten and give you a food label on your smart phone.

I want you to fill in the rest of each table in which the vertical columns will be headed by the nutrients as they are listed on a food label. The first column will contain the total calories you ate in the item, the second column will be the grams of fat, then saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, (potassium), total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sugars, and protein. Finally, Vitamins A and C and the minerals Iron and Calcium.

The above would be easiest to do using a spreadsheet, because when you have assembled the sheet, I want you to total up all the entries in each column of data. Those values would be all the calories you consumed during the day, and the totals of all the other nutrients I have listed.
Dr. Cabbage also teaches this class, and she is trying another website. The site is She also gave me a link to the user guide:​​​​​(30 points)

Use the AMDR in chapter 1, section 1.4, to calculate the range of calories for protein fat, and carbohydrate in a diet with the ‘my plate’ recommendations. If you are supposed to be eating a 2000 kcal diet, you should consume between 10% and35% of your calories as protein. 10% is 200 kcal, and 35% is 700 kcal. How close did you come to those numbers on each day. Write one of three options: over, under, or good.​​​​​​(10 points)

Write a 1 full page summary of what you learned from this exercise. Separate your response into the assignment 1 results, and the more recent nutrient analysis, in assignment 2. In the first case, consider how you might improve your choices of food types. ​(15 points)
​​​​​​​​​​ ​​(Over)
In the second case, there has been a lot of talk about some very different macro distribution that the one from the government recommended. What is your idea of the ideal distribution of macronutrients?​​​​​​​​​(15 points)

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