Nutrition PSA


Diet has a direct effect on the quality of a persons health and well-being. A healthful diet is based upon a daily intake of nutritious foods and meals. Consuming a wide variety of foods from all food groups ensures that the essential nutrients will be obtained. A child’s physical and cognitive growth and development can be affected by the nutritional choices that are made.

Using research on the food and nutritional requirements implemented by your state, TEXAS create a 2-3 minute nutrition-related public service announcement (PSA) video with a script. The purpose of your PSA is to inspire young children and families to make healthy food choices. Ensure your video is informative for families while also being appropriate and engaging for a younger audience. Include the following in your PSA video and script:

Explanation of a balanced diet/eating the rainbow
Benefits of healthy eating
Ideas for healthy after-school snacks
Tips to make healthy food choices as a family
A minimum of three nutritional practices for supporting the healthy development of young children, including those with disabilities, delays, or dietary needs


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