Obesity and Fibroids

Obesity and Fibroids

The comprises two asighnments

1:How does a lifestyle that leads to obesity increase the occurrence of fibroids in female?
Uter’ne leiomyomas are the most commonly seen benigw gynecological tumors among
women of reproductive age. The reason for the development of this fibromatosis is stil
unknown. However, mearchers have proposed obesity, increased levels of estrogen,
and progesterone inability to maintain balance may be possible etiologies. Studies
have also shown that it is prevalent in African American and Caribbean women. Both
populations have been shown to be two to three times more likely to be diagmsed
with uterine fibroids and, as wel, be diagmsed 10 years earlier than the usual
recurence rate- Research has also found that approximately 4096 or more of fibroids
are mused by the same cytogenetic alteration exhibited in other tumors such as
kidney, lung or another Ieiomyosarcoma Therefore, this literature review will focus on
determining whether a linear relationship exists between obesity and uterine
leiomyomas based on BMI, estrogen bioavailability due to increased body fat, and

2:Facial pain or numbness

Facial pain or numbness is occasionally a chief complaint in primary care. Choose one
differential diagnosis for facial pain or numbness h a select population and discuss
signs, symptoms, physiml findings, and diagnostic testing. You may choose a
pediatric, adult, obstetric, or geriatric patient- Support your answer with evidence
based literature (references).

3:Blog Post Writing

Order Description

student life and student activities in the department. brief profiles of individual students, events that the department sets up for students, events that the
students set up for themselves, special activities going on within classes: anything that gives a sense of how vibrant and opportunity-rich your department is for its

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