
Op-ed piece – choose a health policy issue you feel strongly about and compose a letter to a newspaper editor. (200-400 words) My op-ed piece should be on my prior order number below Palliative care( please refer to order # 82059266 ) The grading categories are concentrated on this below LEAD ISSUE/BACKGROUND, OPINION, KNOWLEDGE, AND SUPPORT FOR THE POLICY. RHETORICAL STATEMENTS, SOLUTION, AND RECCOMENDATIONS. MECHANICS Please follow the rubric below, the excellent part of the rubric Rubric Detail Levels of Achievement Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Lead 15 Points Written with an outstanding lead to bring the reader into the story. 7 Points Written with an interesting lead to bring the reader into the story. 4 Points Written with a lead but it needs to be more interesting. 0 Points Written with a boring lead (or no lead at all) which does not encourage reader to continue Issue/Background 15 Points Contains an abundant amount of background information about the issue (who, what, when, where, why, how). 7 Points Contains some background information about the issue. 4 Points Contains very little information about the background information 0 Points Contains confusing and irrelevant background information (or none at all). Opinion 15 Points Has a clearly stated opinion toward the beginning of the article which continues throughout. 7 Points Has an opinion that could be stated more clearly using better wording. 4 Points Has an opinion but it is somewhat confusing. 0 Points Writer is very confused about his/her opinion on the issue or no opinion is present. Knowledge/Support for Proposition 15 Points Writing contains at least 2 outstanding, distinct, logical reasons for the stated opinion. Factual support or knowledge of issue is clearly evident 7 Points Writing contains at least 2 reasons for stated opinion (distinct and logical reasons but not obvious). 4 Points Writing contains only one valid reason for opinion given. 0 Points Writing does not contain any valid reasons for the given opinion. Rhetorical Devices 15 Points Writing contains many vivid examples of rhetorical devices, logical/emotional language, and action words 7 Points Contains some attempts at rhetorical devices, logical/emotional language, and action words. 4 Points Attempts (some awkward) rhetoric and logical/emotional language that often falls short or doesn’t propel the piece forward 0 Points Very little evidence of rhetorical devices, logical/emotional language, and action words. Solutions/ Recommendations/ Conclusions 15 Points Ends the article giving very specific and outstanding recommendations for the reader to take action. Reader feels compelled to act. 7 Points Ends the article giving specific – albeit conventional and obvious – recommendations for the reader. 4 Points Ends the article giving at least one ordinary recommendation for the reader. 0 Points Ends the article without any clear recommendations for the reader to take action. Concludes too abruptly Mechanics 10 Points Uses all correct grammar and spelling throughout. Sentence variety and word choices are outstanding. 7 Points Uses mostly correct grammar and spelling. Some attempt at variety in words choice/sentence variety 4 Points Several grammar and spelling mistakes. Words choices are simple; sentences lack variety 0 Points Many grammar and spelling mistakes. Word choices are weak and sentence variety is nonexistent. • View Associated Items Print Close Window Op-ed piece – choose another health policy issue you feel strongly about and compose a letter to a newspaper editor. (200-400 words) My op-ed piece should be on my prior order number below Palliative care( please refer to order # 82059266 )

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