As an Operations Management Consultant, XYZ has hired you to help determine how it can
improve its operations management by using the available resources. You are required to provide
a report and PowerPoint presentation indicating your analysis to the case company and your
recommendations regarding the following:
▪ Analyze the sales numbers of the company and recommend a forecasting technique to use
during the upcoming period.
▪ Assess the two alternatives (outsourcing vs insourcing) and determine the appropriate
decision based on 2020 forecast.
▪ Assess the proposed improvement initiative using the actual demand of 2019.
▪ Review and assess the process of inspection undertaken by XYZ.
▪ Review and assess the inventory decisions facing XYZ
▪ Prepare an aggregate plan for the first 6 months of 2020 based on the given forecasted
▪ Prepare a linear programming model that determine the optimal product mix and perform
the sensitivity analysis.