You are starting a new company and want to ensure organizational success through operational efficiency and strategic vision. The plan for this project is to
understand where there is a need in the market to create a new product/service, understand the components that need to be addressed or factored when managing
operational efficiencies (to include resource management), and present the work as though asking for approval to proceed with the project.
Research Idea: Please refer to the attachment for research idea which has the company name we suggested, idea we suggested and also details about the company.
Deliverables are Research project and presentation
Research Project Requirements: This research need to align with the idea in the attached document
The team paper must be at least 10 pages in length. This does not include the APA formatted cover page or the references. There must be at least 10 APA
references to support the findings in the submission. Correct use of APA guidelines for sources and citations is required. If supporting evidence from outside
resources is used those must be properly cited. Please take liberty to add more technical details
The paper must address the following answers and be formatted with headings to note the following information:
• How will you obtain funds for the project? (are you asking for funds or obtaining from another source)
• How many funds are required to start?
• What is the timeframe to launch?