OPERATIONS & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT “Emirates Global Aluminium Company’ – (EGA)

a. It’s important to use the book for that assignment. The book is “Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, Global Edition; 4th Edition, Cecil Bozarth, Robert B. Handfield, Prentice Hall, 2016.”
b. You need to select a company/organization to do the assignment either a manufacture company or a service one .. (I prefer to select Emirates Global Aluminium “EGA”) you will find more in the website https://www.ega.aelen
c. After choosing the company you must answer the questions that will be provided in the assignment guideline and I will upload the guideline.
Abstract/Summary – need to be at least a half page long. You can start by the abstract as a first statement (In this report I will apply the concepts of OPERATIONS & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (OSCM) in Emirates Global Aluminium company “EGA company” after answer some assignment questions. and then you may include any summary of the data you will write about.

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