Organizational Analysis

Critically analyze an agency (i.e., a Social/Human Service Agency where your field placement or employment is/was. If you don’t have any filed placement or employment in that type of agency, interview someone who works in a social/human agency and use the collected data to do the assignment paper), using organizational theories found in your readings, discussed in class and in any research that you choose to undertake. Be sure to include proper citations of work that it is not your own. 12-page maximum

1. Introduction
Introduce the agency you will analyze, your relationship to it (e.g., intern or employee) and the methods you used to conduct your analysis.

2. Organizational Overview
Provide a brief description of the organization. Include stated mission, summary of services provided,
brief overview of the size/sites and target population(s).

3. Structure
Critically analyze your organization using the Bureaucratic Theory/Mechanistic Organization (p.192-
194) and the Human Relations Theory/Organic Organization (p. 205-207 & p. 202, Table 7.2). Specifically,

• Use the traits of bureaucracy identified by Weber and the traits of human relations. Describe the extent to which your organization exhibits these traits.
• Provide several examples of how specific traits either enhance or hamper your ability to do your work.
4. Organization & External Environment (p. 200-201 & Canvas Module 4)
Organizational ecomap is used to illustrate examples of the interaction between an organization and its external environment. Using your ecomap for context, apply systems theory as you respond to the following (draw the ecomap on a separate A4 size paper):

• Select an internally initiated change or initiative and analyze its impact on key stakeholders in the organization’s external environment/system.
• Select a change initiated in the external environment/system and analyze your organization’s response.
Be sure to address open and closed systems/boundaries, feedback loops, and homeostasis. In addition, evaluate the extent to which your organization reflects the traits noted for learning organizations (p. 222-224).

5. Culture (p. 217-222 & Canvas Module 7)
Using the Organizational Culture Model described in your textbook, analyze your organization by responding to the following:

• What are some of the shared beliefs and key values of staff regarding your organization/system?
• Describe examples of the language, slogans, symbols, rituals, stories and traditions of your organization.

• Discuss how new and existing staff and students learn the culture of your organization. Be sure to include explicit (formal) methods and implicit (informal) methods.
• Identify the strengths and/or protective factors of your organization’s culture. Provide specific examples of how the strengths/protective factors enhance your well-being and ability to do your work.
6. Management
Consider the management structures within your organization, particularly the ones with which you regularly interact. Analyze those managers in relation to Theory X and Theory Y (p. 207-208).

• Provide specific examples from either or both models as they apply to your immediate work unit and describe the impact on staff and students. How does this impact your ability to do your work?
7. Power

• What is the degree of centralization of power? Explain. (p. 193)
• Identify critical actors for key aspects of decision-making, including service delivery changes, hiring staff and resolution of staff or patron problems and complains. (p. 211-212)
• Describe informal power held by those not in official positions of power, and explain the basis of this power (e.g., referent power, expert power). (Canvas Module 7)
8. Communication

• Describe the methods, direction, and flow of information between direct service delivery staff and administration.
• Describe the methods, direction, and flow of information between patrons/the community and direct service delivery staff.
9. Conclusion
Based on your analysis, what modifications, expansions, or changes would you suggest for enhancing the services of your agency to its target populations and for enhancing the ability of staff to do their work? Be sure to address each category of analysis and include a rationale for your statements. If no modifications, expansions or changes are indicated in a particular category, explain why.


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