Data breaches, whether involving credit card or medical information, have become commonplace. With so much personal information now available electronically, the protection of private information has become an important issue for health administrators.
You are a hospital administrator, charged with overseeing your hospital’s HIPAA compliance. Due to an increased number of data breaches around the country and a recent decision made by the Connecticut Supreme Court in Bryne v. Avery Center, your supervisor has asked you to prepare a presentation for the hospital board of directors and other stakeholders that will serve as a conversation starter regarding this issue.

Emily Bryne v. Avery Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology, P.C. (SC 19873) (2018). Retrieved from
Address the following items in a PowerPoint presentation:
1. What is the intent and purpose of HIPAA?
2. Explain the concept of Protected Health Information (PHI).
3. What impact can the breach of PHI have on patients/consumers?
4. What are ethical considerations? Be sure and mention specific ethical principles.
5. Explain HIPAA’s allowance for the release of some PHI without consent.
6. In Byrne v. Avery Center for Obstetrics & Gynecology, P.C., the Connecticut State Supreme Court found that health care organizations could be found liable for the unauthorized release of private health information. While this was a decision in Connecticut, why is this decision relevant for your health organization?

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