Organizational strategy

Organizational strategy is determined in many ways by the organization’s structure. Successful implementation of these strategies depends on the structure of the organization and how well the structure supports the organization’s goals.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 2: Analyze the impact of learning and performance in organizational structures.
Explain the relationship between strategy and structure.
Explain how strategy and structure fit together to influence organizational learning and performance.
Describe an example of an organization that is perceived to have a strong strategy-structure fit.
Describe the characteristics of an organization that is perceived to have a strong strategy-structure fit.
What is the relationship between strategy and structure in designing a high-performance organization? The strategy will determine whether the structure is oriented toward functions, products, markets, geographies, or work processes. High-performing learning organizations have emerging designs that help connect structures of relationships and flows of information that allow them to evolve and transform, reinventing themselves for long-term sustainability.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
Why might an organization choose different forms of organizational structure? Is it possible to design an integrated structure that would drive performance on the organization’s strategy? How?
Imagine an organizational structure that is not aligned with its overall strategy. What sorts of issues might arise?
How might alignment of an organization’s structure with its strategy lead to a competitive advantage in the market(s) it serves?

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