Write 500 words

  1. Explain what OSHA is, its purpose, and what responsibilities there are under the law. Additionally, explain how it can be violated, and the penalties for any violation.
  2. Peter Plaintiff had his constitutional rights violated by a county sheriff’s department.  What steps would Peter Plaintiff need to take to seek damages under 42 U.S.C. § 1981?
    Write 1.5-2 page
    Question I – Iris Inspector works for OSHA.  Iris receives a complaint from an employee at a local manufacturing plant of unsafe conditions.  Iris arrives at the plan to conduct an inspection, but is refused access to the plant.  What must Iris do next to ensure the OSHA guidelines are being followed?
    Question II – Robert is a technician for an HVAC company.  Robert’s employer warned him multiple times about tracking mud through customer’s houses.  After another customer complains to Robert’s employer about the muddy footprints, Robert is relieved of his employment at the HVAC company.  Next, Robert applies for unemployment compensation.  Will Robert receive any unemployment compensation?  Why or why not?” 2 https://www.homeworkmarket.com/fields/computer-science?page=2
    1597217807-7680 https://www.homeworkmarket.com/fields/computer-science 4 discussion https://www.homeworkmarket.com/questions/4-discussion-19752425 “Best Practices for IT Infrastructure Security Policies
    Discuss at least four (4) best practices for IT infrastructure security policies in domains other than the User Domain. Pick one domain outside the user-domain to focus on. Address the following topics using your own words: IT framework selection
    When to modify existing policies that belong to other organizations versus creating your own policies from scratch
    Policy flexibility

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