Our allegiances to sneakers, musicians, and even soft drinks

Publicity [same as Advertising] proposes to each of us in a consumer society that we change ourselves or our lives by buying something more. This more publicity persuades us will make us in some way richer even though we will be poorer by having spent our money. And publicity persuades us of this transformation by showing us people who have apparently been transformed and are as a result enviable. This state of being envied is what constitutes glamour.””

Compare Berger’s idea to Solomon, Chapter 1, page 16: “”Our allegiances to sneakers, musicians, and even soft drinks help us define our place in modern society, and these choices also help each of us to form bonds with others who share similar preferences. This comment by a participant in a focus group captures the curious bonding that consumption choices can create: “I was at a Super Bowl party, and I picked up an obscure drink. Somebody else across the room went ‘yo!’ because he had the same thing. People feel a connection when you’re drinking the same thing.”

  • VIDEO LINK –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jTUebm73IY

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