“Outsourced” Movie Project


A. Watch the movie carefully to see how American and Indian cultural values differ. Compare
and contrast the cultural values of Americans and Indians using the Hofstede’s cultural value
framework discussed in this course. You must discuss each cultural value (five values) in detail
and support with examples from the movie. Each value must be discussed in a separate
subheading and supported with specific movie examples. In addition, you should support your
evaluations with (1) website information (for example, use Hofstede website), (2) as many
examples from the movie as possible to support the cultural values, and (3) other cites such as
articles posted to Bb and news articles.

“A, B and C should be treated as the major parts in your paper. You should use A, B and C as
your major headings. Then, use (1, 2, 3, etc. also, possibly, a, b, c, etc.) to break down the paper
to subheadings for the subtopics within parts. Please do not deviate from this format. While this
paper is an analysis of the movie based on your personal observations, it is important to also
support your observations and comparisons with empirical facts and research findings. If you just
rely on your own perceptions, you may be incorrect or inaccurate. First find empirical
evidence/support for explaining Indian and American cultural values. For example, are
Americans individualist or collectivist? What are Indians? Once you decide on the cultural
values or each country, clearly state them in your team paper and then support it with your own
movie observations that support the value.”

Since this is a team paper I only need Part A completed for my portion. Just make sure to follow the format and take as many examples from the movie to support your point of view and use other cites and sources as well.

Here is the link to the movie via youtube: ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO3b_2OVeBY “

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