Ownership of Dinsmore’s hotel

Your group has been hired by the ownership of Dinsmore’s hotel to assess the extent to which the hotel represents a quality establishment. You have been tasked with writing a report to address this concern. It is this report that will be submitted and graded.

In this report, you will review the operation of the hotel. In reviewing the operation of the hotel, please use Moment of Truth (MoT) Analysis to assess the extent to which the hotel and its staff met or exceeded the expectations of the key customer(s). (NOTE: you must identify the key customer and what they expect using Order Winners, Order Losers, and Order Qualifiers.) When doing the MoT analysis, you might consider presenting two forms: one with the restaurant and one without the restaurant.

In addition, carefully consider the following critical events:

Dinsmore’s office
The meeting involving the Head Housekeeper and the housekeeping staff
The meeting with the bellhops regarding the low tips
What do these events tell you about management, the culture at the hotel, and the attitudes towards quality?

In your report, you should address the following concerns:

To what extent does the hotel represent a quality enterprise?
To what extent are the conditions at the hotel correctable?

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