Paper about 2 Corinthians


2 Corinthians Reading: Pre-Module Journal and Post-Module Journal Students will read 2 Corinthians through beginning to end eight times, preferably each reading in one sitting, certainly right through in one day. The pre-module journal will cover four readings done before the module week, and the post-course module the other four readings. Be patient. Try to read in a relaxed way, make yourself comfortable. Be patient. Read as one getting letters from someone important, whom you do not always understand very well. Unlike McDonalds, the Scriptures offer little to people in a hurry. You may use any translation or language. After each reading, type a one to two page response to that reading. Try to respond to the whole reading, or a repeated themes, rather one sentence that caught your attention. Was there an emphasis you were not expecting? For some examples, ask: “What did I learn?” Also ask: “What did 2 Corinthians do to me? Where did it take me? What happens to me when I read 2 Corinthians?” “What does 2 Corinthians not say that I would expect?” “What is the message(s) of 2 Corinthians?” These responses should be personal, and they should also be closely tied to the actual words of 2 Corinthians. Make sure you date each response. Do not read 2 Corinthians through more than once a day. Submit the first four responses as one paper on Monday of the module week, and the last four responses as one paper by the June 30 course deadline. 10% each. I need only Jornal Pós-Módulo because the first part was due.

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