
  1. From Walker (2013), in a study in England of couples in committed relationship, the transition to
    parenthood emerged as the most frequently cited stressor on their relationship. Summarize the 4 significant
    aspect of the transition to parenthood.
  2. Watch: The BBC Documentary — Anne Robinson’s Britain 1 Parenting
    2b. Choose one family from the documentary, discuss their parenting style, describe the pros and cons of
    this type of parenting.
    BBC Documentary Anne Robinson’s Britain 1 Paren (Links to an external site.)
    BBC Documentary Anne Robinson’s Britain 1 Parenting
  3. From chapter 12 in the Contemporary Issues book (See Unit 3A Readings), discuss various comparisons
    between children from single parent families and those from two-parent families.
  4. We often blame the parents for the way their children behave, but we have a society that forces both
    parents to work, and single mothers that are frowned upon. What do you believe has led to the thought that
    there is a “deterioration of the family”?
    4b. How would you suggest helping reduce this decline in families?

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