
Inmate Mary (age 30) has served 8.0 years of a 10-year prison sentence, and by all appearances, she will be granted parole in about 6 months. She is currently serving time for possession of narcotics for sale and has a history of heroin abuse while on the streets. She has a GED but a sketchy work history and no marketable job skills.

Your essay assignment breaks down into several questions this week. Be sure to respond to each question (It may be helpful to dedicate a separate paragraph to each question contained in the broader essay assignment):

Identify and explain what efforts correctional authorities can make before Mary’s release date and then after she is released into the community to reduce the probability she will re-enter the criminal justice system. From a perspective of a parole officer, identify challenges parole officers face when dealing with Mary outside the prison system, and how to address those challenges.
Additionally, describe challenges Mary might face, having been outside of society for more than 8 years. Demonstrate your understanding of parole, reintegration, re-entry programs, and parole violation (from the readings and video clips made available) in your response.
Take a position as to whether any single violation of parole should result in an inmate having to serve the remaining portion of the prison sentence. (Refer to article in uploaded files “Outside the Gates” before responding to this last question.)

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