Participating in the curriculum development process

Background: The USF School has launched a transformative curriculum, the Curriculum for 2018 & Beyond. This initiative, led by a core team of faculty and staff, launched in July 2018. To ensure input from key stakeholder groups(students, alumni, volunteer faculty and preceptors, etc), advisory committees have been formed to provide regular input on curriculum development. The Student and StakeholderAdvisory Committee and the Experiential Advisory Committee are two of these advisory bodies.

Charge:The 2018 & Beyond PharmD Curriculum Student and Stakeholder Advisory Committee (“SSAC”) will represent their constituent groups and advise the core development teams on the direction of the new curriculum.

Process:  Meetings of the SSAC are held approximately four times each year.

Michelle King, under the guidance of the co-chairs corresponds with SSAC members to arrange meetings and provide materials.

An agenda and preparatory materials will be provided to members in advance of SSAC meetings.

SSAC members may be invited to other curriculum meetings or asked to provide commentary on proposals outside of the regular meeting times, based on availability.

Members:Members will include:

1.Up to three student representatives from each class. Students will be selected through an application process.

2.Additional stakeholders from a variety of practice settings, by invitation from the Vice Dean.

Responsibilities of Advisory Committee Members:The anticipated time commitment for SSAC members would be approximately 3 hours monthly including meeting time and preparation. Meetings will be held on the USF campus during the early evening. Video and teleconferencing options will be available.Members will be expected to attend most meetings; if members are unable to attend a meeting, they are expected to provide advance notice and to review any materials presented during the missed meeting.Student members will be expected to provide brief updates on the progress of the new curriculum within their cohorts and may be called upon to serve as representatives of the student experience in the new curriculum at special events.


Describe the 1: reasons for your interest in participating in the curriculum development process; 2) what skills, knowledge and perspectives you believe you will bring to the Student and Stakeholder Advisory Group

In no more than 400 words, briefly summarize the article (in the link below), describe the pros and cons of this method based on the data provided and discuss where (if anywhere) in the USF curriculum, such an approach may be best applied.

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