Supporting the needs of ELL students includes partnering with their families by respecting and valuing their contributions to the school community and recognizing they have an important role in their child’s education.
Part 1: ELL Parent/Guardian Interview
Collaborate with your mentor teacher to interview a parent/guardian of an ELL student. In addition to the questions listed below, prepare a minimum of two additional questions. Include the following questions in your interview:
What do you believe about your family’s involvement in your child’s education? What is important to you in your child’s education?
What can teachers do to make you feel welcomed and valued as a part of your child’s learning? What suggestions do you have for teachers regarding how to value your culture and home language?
To guide instruction, what can teachers do to better understand the personal characteristics of your child (e.g., interests, motivations, strengths, needs) and your family (e.g., language use, literacy practices, circumstances)?