
Address the following Course Outcomes:
Describe natural phenomena through demonstration of knowledge of naturalistic observation techniques
Formulate questions and make predictions about cause and effect relationships in nature
Apply scientific methods to explore concepts, laws, and theories related to natural phenomena
Demonstrate critical as well as creative/innovative thinking for devising experiments to address hypotheses
State conclusions and interpretations that clearly follow from available data and evidence relevant to a problem
or issue
Synthesize knowledge and information from different sources and interpret the findings to draw informed
Stage 1:
(1) (50 pts) Think about the phenomenon or process you selected for your Observation Final Project. Conduct
research to learn more about the phenomenon or process. What methods have been used to study the
phenomenon? What did you learn from your research about the phenomenon that can inform your observation
approach and data collection plan? What are the measurable features of the phenomenon or process as
described in published sources that you found? Cite your sources in APA citation format.

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