PC Build and Manual


Use IEEE standards for your paper (this includes paper format and citations & references)
a Use single column format for all pages
b Include a Title page, Table of Contents, and use page numbering
c Use Times New Roman 11 or 12 point font

d Use adequate pictures/graphics to illustrate what you say in your narrative – show, as well as tell. Use good illustrations show how to install, don’t just discuss the part to be installed. Your graphics can come from TestOut LabSim or more likely, on-line. Just provide IEEE style citations and references.
e Stay away from turning your manual into a textbook. For a PC assembly manual you don’t need dissertations on the benefits of Front Side Buses or Thread Level Parallelism technology. Just-assemble-the-machine.

Instructor never specified on the number of pages but excellent descriptions is highly recommended for both part 2 and 3 and same goes for the number of sources.

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