Pearl Harbor


In social psychology and criminology, groupthink is a powerful motivator behind people’s behaviors and explains a lot of problematic thinking in group settings. To get a better understanding of how groupthink works, examine a case study and explore how groupthink influences behavior in the scenario.

Respond to following example: Pearl Harbor (pg. 435 in textbook)

Since groupthink is an important principle of social psychology, analyze the historical scenario carefully and identify how groupthink impacted the situation.

The issues of groupthink that may become problematic are a lack of reasoning to see different sides of an issue; the indisputable belief that the group is morally right; others involved with differing opinions are seen through stereotyping; other views within the group are shut down. Members of the group are all seen as in agreement.

Write a 600-word analysis of how groupthink occurred in the situation you chose. Address the following questions:
What social psychology principles can you identify in the historical event you chose?
How did groupthink occur in your historical scenario?
What was the prevailing group thinking during the situation?
Who was the group?
What were the negative outcomes related to groupthink?
How does groupthink turn criminal, especially in the historical event you chose?


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