Purpose: study the motion of a simple pendulum – a pendulum with a small angle of swing (~20 degrees from
the vertical).
Show by data what the period (time for one oscillation) depends on. Use different lengths of string, different
Equipment: pendulum support (e.g. edge of table, clamp); various lengths of string; various masses (anything
that can be attached to bottom of string, e.g. washers, weights); stop watch.
Procedure: the period is the time for one full swing (let go, let come back to starting point). Study what happens
to the period when you
- Change the weight (keeping the length the same)
- Change the length of the string (keeping the #washers the same)
To measure the period more accurately, time 10 swings and divide by 10.
Chart your data!
Discuss conclusions.
Discuss sources of error.