Perceiving Persons & Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination

After reviewing the powerpoints, videos, and any audio links on Chapter 5, please read the following two links.

Link to be used:

social psychology of the black lives matter movement.pdf social psychology of the black lives matter movement.pdf – Alternative Formats

For the first module, you completed measures of implicit bias. As you reflect on your results, for this module, we will delve deeper into prejudice and current events related to stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, and violence. You will read the brief article (see link) about considerations of racism from psychological science. You will also read an article about the social psychology of Black Lives Matter (BLM). After reading both of these items, please provide your reaction in your first discussion post. This reaction should demonstrate that you read both articles and reflected on them. Some considerations might be, what surprised you, what didn’t surprise you, and how do you think the information in both articles may help us understand this moment in history with BLM protests and why some groups have such strong negative reactions to these protests. Remember that you should use APA guidelines when referring to groups of people (see links for avoiding bias in the discussion board and discussion board resources). Also, please utilize information from your textbook, lectures, and materials provided in class to formulate your arguments and ideas. Your goal is to show that you can use what you learn in class to better understand events in the world.

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