Performance and Sport Psychology Consulting Practice Development

(1) develop a website skeletal structure; (2) an outline of website content; and (3) to research and understand issues related to web hosting services, costs associated with development, maintenance and updating information.

Upon completion, the goal of the project is for you to have the necessary content ready for you to build out your own website. For the assignment, you will be tasked with the following areas to research and develop:

Choosing a Domain Name and a Domain Name Register Company – Examine the companies who host websites and determine which one provides you with the best fit for what you seek. Currently, many Domain Name Register Companies offer packages that include name registration, web hosting, website design, email, search engine optimization, and business services.
Choosing a Domain Name – Discuss and choose a name for your business. Explain why you have chosen this business and domain name and its relevance for how you want to project yourself and your business.
Discuss which website domain register company you may want to use and what services you believe would be beneficial for the development of your website. Consider the costs associated with the development, maintenance and updating of your site and whether or not you believe you can accomplish these tasks on your own or if you think you may need professional assistance.
Website Design & Structure – When developing a business website, one of the most important aspects to consider is the design and structure of your website so that viewers can easily navigate and assess information and content. For the Couse Project, share your ideas for the structure and design of your website. This should include how many pages you plan to have, which must include a “home page”.
Website Structure – You can share your structure design in either a flow chart format or you can simply use an outline form to label and discuss the relevance of each page you plan to use.
Website Design – First impressions of viewing a website are often visual in nature. Please discuss your ideas for the layout of your website, along with color schemes, the amount of content and other relevant aspects to the design and look of your website.
Website Content – It is important to be clear and concise with the use of words on each page of your site. The content of your website will be dictated by the structure and design you choose to use. Please remember that there is a balance between website design and content.
Discuss what content is most pertinent to your home/main page and provide examples of the information you first want viewers to see. You can either do this in a bullet format or you can create actual content you may have on your website.

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