Persona Chart

Submit a 2-page paper in which you create the marketing persona chart and description of your target market for your t-shirt company in the apparel
industry. This paper will consist of two sections: targeted market and segmentation description and a customer persona chart. Your paper needs to be
in APA format, include a title page, and a reference list. For the persona chart, you can use the chart template provided, build your own, or find a free
chart making resource on the internet. Section 1: T-shirt Company Targeted Market and Segmentation (2-3 paragraphs) Describe the targeted market
and include the segmentation information. You can use the resources in from the Discussion Board to research a specific area. Be sure to include the
four segmentation sections: Demographics, Geographics, Psychographics, Behavior. Section 2: Create a Customer Persona Chart based on your
research Create a chart with 7-12 sections to describe different attributes of your targeted market and segments. *Please look at the attached file for information about the T-Shirt company

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