Personal branding statement


The prompt: You will be asked to write a branding statement that is 300-500 words in length. You should have a single word that encompasses your brand. Your branding statement should have three components parts written in a cohesive way:

Present: describe how you came to choose this word, what does it mean to you? For example if you were to choose the word “trustworthy” as the cornerstone of your brand, define what trustworthy means to you in relation to your job as a PR Practitioner.

Past: provide one strong example of how you can see your cornerstone word in your past experience. If you do not have a professional example, choose another example where this is exhibited somewhere in your life and relate it back to your career as a PR Professional.

Future: make a confident statement about how your cornerstone word will be reflected in the work you hope to do in your future, for your clients and/or the agency you will work for. Make it compelling— why would someone want to hire you and how will you show them that you exhibit this cornerstone word?

Think of this statement as your governing philosophy— in any situation, past, present, and future — you will show this cornerstone word in the work that you do.

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