Personal development portfolio


At level 5 there are four distinct sections to the portfolio (maximum word limit of 1000 words):
1. i) Networking- this section should demonstrate an understanding of networking, the importance of it and highlight possible avenues for networking. Word count: 500
words excluding references, tables, diagrams;
2. ii) Conferences- this section should demonstrate an awareness of the relevant
professional bodies in nutrition and exercise science and identify conferences taking place in the coming year (relevant to you and your degree pathway). For this section you are required to include this information in a succinct tabular or diagrammatical form (this will not count towards word count). You will also need to include a written component of 250 words exploring attendance/non- attendance at any of these conferences and relevance of these conferences to your degree pathway or interests;
3. iii) Practical skills- this section should highlight the practical skills you have developed at level 5 using clear examples of where and how they were developed. It should also identify how and where these skills may be useful. For this section you are required to include this information in a succinct tabular or diagrammatical form – so no word count;
4. iv) Concept Map- this section requires the development of a concept map which provides an overview of knowledge/skills gained from all level 5 modules and how the modules link together. In addition, demonstrate how it all links to level 4 modules and the area of nutrition and exercise science. You will also need to include a written component of 250 words explaining your concept map.

Develop a professional development portfolio using Google sites.
Demonstrate how to use Google sites and how to develop the portfolio within the site will be given in the session on week 2 regarding assessments. It is therefore essential that you attend this lecture. The Google site will need to incorporate all of the sections detailed above but how you format the site is up to you. Table 1 provides suggested points for reflection for each of the sections of the portfolio. Reminder: overall word limit for the portfolio is 1000 words excluding tables, figures, pictures, references and the concept map itself. You are encouraged to use references to support your work (where appropriate).
Create and share your Google site by end of first, 2017).

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